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Solar Daylighting and Electrical power consumption in buildings may be reduced considerably by more efficient use of sunlight for indoor lighting. Simply put, there is no brighter idea than sunlight! It adds to our day with bringing natural daylight to confined spaces. It lights up the vast floor space that commercial industrial customers need to light. High energy output light fixtures and bulbs cost big bucks to install and replace while hogging up enormous amounts of energy. These costs should be offset with Solar Daylighting.
Heat Guard Today's mission is:
-To understand your current building envelope issues and expectations.-
-To share viable solutions to help address the issues most important to you.-
-To be part of your team that saves energy and provide an optimal return on investment.-
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The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is the U.S. Department of Energy's primary national laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research and development.
The Solar Heating and Cooling Programme was established in 1977, one of the first programmes of the International Energy Agency. The Programme's work is unique in that it is accomplished through the international collaborative effort of experts from Member countries and the European Union.
Row of Daylighting | Commercial Installation | Commercial Installation |
Roof View Installation | Hallway Light | We Hire Veterans |
Warehouse Installation | Daylighting | Store Installation |
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